


Self-catering thatch cottages provide comfortable and cosy accommodation. Chalets are positioned with magnificent views of the Little Berg Mountain Range and the Little Mooi River. Chalets are 1 or 2 bedroomed and have a kitchen, bathroom and lounge/dining room with a fire place. The kitchens are fully equipped including a countertop oven[…]

The Shed

The Shed is purpose built accommodation and consists of 8 small rooms with 2 bunk beds in each room. Each room can sleep up to 4 people. These beds have a fitted sheet, but no other linen is provided, please BYO. The shed has a men’s bathroom and a ladies’[…]


Glengarry has 40 campsites beautifully situated with magnificent views of the Little Berg Mountain Range and the Little Mooi River. Glengarry sites are all powered, grassed, partly shaded and have serviced ablutions. Check-in time is 2pm on the day of arrival and check out time is 10am on the day of departure. * All[…]